St Mary's ChurchG
The following pages are a transcription of the Diaries of William Goodwin, Surgeon of Earl Soham, dated 1785-1810. The diaries were transcribed by Mrs J. Rothery in August 2001. There are some parts of the diaries which were unreadable or missing and, where sections have been missed out, an estimate of the missing amount is given. From 1787 onwards, only local extracts have been transcribed. Three dots...indicate omissions. |
1785 | 1790 | 1794 | 1798 | 1803 |
1786 | 1791 (pt.1) | 1795 (pt.1) | 1799 | 1805-1810 |
1787 | 1791 (pt.2) | 1795 (pt.2) | 1800 | |
1788 | 1792 | 1796 | 1801 | |
1789 | 1793 | 1797 | 1802 |