
William Goodwin of Street Farm, Earl Soham.

Diaries dated from 1785-1810. Vol. 2.. HD 365/2.

Transcribed by Mrs. J. Rothery of Earl Soham, August 2001

The following Miscellany of Occurrences Persons and Curiosities was began in the Year 1785 by Wm. Goodwin of Earl Soham Surgeon and is intended as an Universal repository and Chronology.

Extract for 1794

21st Jan’y 1794 The King open’d this Session of Parliament recommending in his speech a continuance of this horrid and destructive war…

26th Wind SW a very winterly night. Snow several Inches deep and freezes hard - very fine weather up to this time wh. may be call’d the first day of winter.

25th Jan 1794 Sic large French Frigates have been in the British Channel several days…

Existing Truths in consequence of the war









The Exchequer


The Prisons




Means of paying ‘em


The Excise Laws


The Liberty of ye Press


The Bishops

Living in Luxury

The Curates

In Poverty

The French


The Allies


Billy Pitt

Leading England a Dance

Johnny Bull

Paying the Piper

Jan. 1794Ministers state the whole of the Naval establishment to consist of about 70 thousand Seamen - and our Land Forces 60 thousand, exclusive of the militia - and 40 thousand foreign Hirelings from Germany …

In 1793 Total of Excise - Customs and Stamps…

The Game Duty for 1793 produced 12-000£

5th Feb 1794 The Budget has given unexpected satisfaction by there being no new Taxes, but such additions to old ones as no way oppress the Poor or indigens.




Army include’s foreign’rs




Miscellaneous services


Addition to Sink’g Fund


Deficiency of Grants


Do of Land and Malt


Exchequer Bills



Ways and Means ….

Feb 5th Provision for the additional charge to be incurr’d on ye Consolidated Fund:

Interest on 11-000-000 - and an increase on Sink’g Fund 650-000£

Do on acc’t of a large navy Debt etc etc 248-181

Tax of Births Burials and Gloves - repeal’d 10-600



Surplus Taxes unapropriated & of Scotch Spirits…

Duty on Bricks and Tiles…Spirits…Rum…Brandy…Slate and Stone…Crown and Plate Glass…Paper

Indentures for every Clerk to an Attorney 100£ - new Tax

General Warmser commander of the Austrians is retir’d from the Army in Disgrace…

Feb 7th 1794 Lord Cornwallis after destroying the power of Tippoo the Tyrant of the East …

14th Gentlemen and Ladies were Trodden to Death at the Theatre in ye Haymarket by crowding to see the Play and the Royal Family

In 1793 The French took from the Allies 410 Ships. The Allies from France 316 do…

Sailors are still much wanted

The French being in great distress for Saltpetre, have invented a method of making Gunpowder from the Salt of Potashes - Barrere declared in the Convention…

March 1794A Table of the value of British Manufactures sent annually to the following Countries in Europe…

Feb 10th 1794Eliz. Emmerson of Hautboys in Norfolk 25 years of Age was Tapp’d 13 times since Michaelmas 1793 and had no less than 594 pints of water taken away and is now full again.

Under the Old Government of France 400.000 were taken up and imprison’d annually - 3000 broke alive on the wheel and 1500 hang’d - Louis the 16th in 1787 caus’d 8000 of his subjects to perish…

Mar 12th The immense fleets belonging to France from the East and West India…

Weather continues very mild, wind SW with frequent showers - planting beans barly and oats retarded by the rain

Body Stealers call’d in London on Resurrection Men have been detected in the new and horrid trade, of opening the graves in most of the churchyards in and near London - They take the Bodies boil them for the fat, for the Tallow Chandlers - The flesh is sold to feed wild beasts, Dogs and Cats and the Bones for skeletons - They make five pounds of a Body. Margin note: Is this fulfilling the Provesy "Your Carcases shall be given to the Beasts" etc

Another Lottery is taken by Messrs. Roberts, Solomon and Co. 40-000 Tickets for 40-000 Fools, at £14.10.3d per ticket.

The Minister by Letters to the Ld. Lieutenants of Counties, without or previous to consulting parliament is soliciting Subscriptions to raise Forces for Defend’g this Country. He has sent and is sending all the Regulars to invade and conquer France, and leave to defend ourselves.

Separate letter to Wm. Goodwin from Robt Brewin…Mentions Sam’l Green of Debenham…Sends a Cheese (commonly called Stilton)… details of a horse carrying him home…

Mar. 1794 Jno. And Nathan Niccols were tried at Bury and convicted of having murder’d Sarah Niccols (daughter of the former and sister to the latter) by way of laying Her, and heating her Head with a Hedgestake - They were executed; the old man hung in chains and the young one anatomiz’d -

April 1794 East India Budget…

Mar 25th 1794 Hebert Ronzin - Momoro - Vincent Anacharvis Clootz and 15 more of the principal Members of the Convention were Guillotined…

Mar 15th 1794 Mark Lane


42 - 52 pr quarter


26 - 36

White Boiling peas

54 - 58

Tick Beans

34 - 36


27 - 31


40 - 46

Clover Seed

18 - 56 - 60 to 76 pr cwt

Stocks - 3 pr Cent Cons. 67-67 ¼

Hops pr lb 2/ to 2/6 - Butter lld pr pint here

Country Meetings are convening by the Ld. Lieutenant and Sherrifs for the purpose of raising subscriptions and Volunteers to defend the Country against the French and to quell Riots and insurrections - ’Tis propos’d to raise Fencible Cavalry to consist of Gentlemen, Yeomen, Tradesmen etc each to find their own Horse, to receive no pay but when call’d out on actual service - Likewise to procure Men to garrison Forts and an Augmentation of the Military. The whole expenses toGovernment for the War and other matters in 1793 was upwards of thirty six millions; and 1794 is expected to be much more chargeable.

Thirty thousand Prussians are hir’d…

April 17th 1794 This promises to be a very forward Spring - The grass, white thorns and fruit trees exhibiting the most blooming appearance/

18th A blackbirds nest with 4 young ones near flying is now in my cart shed.

Danton and Many others, principals in the French Revolution were Guillotin’d at Paris…

May 1794 The American States are arming to protect their Trade and Shiping from the depredations made upon them by the powers at war…

Lord Cornwallis return’d from India safe and well after an absence of 8 years in wh. time he conquer’d and Humbl’d Tippoo…

May 1794The French West India Islands of Martinique - St Lucia - Guadaloupe the Saints, Maragalante and Desirada are taken by Sir Charles Grey…

The Minister has obtain’d another vote of Credit for 2-500.000£ to pay foreign mercenaries and Domestic hirelings.

Drury Lane New Theatre open’d this month with the Tragedy Macbeth - It cost building 1000-000£ and has 1000-000£ property vested in it besides. It is suppos’d to be the largest and most complete in Europe. It will contain about 700£ a night

May 1794 Six Thousand Cows are kept to supply London with Milk. They produce about 27-046 Gall’s a Day, wh. cost 1350 and pr Annum 492-600£

Two large and one small Frigate were taken from the French after hard fighting, by a fleet commanded by Sr. Jno. Bor-Warren (?)

Several severe Battles have been fought this month between the French and Allies. Horrid carnage on both sides…

(2 pages)

May 28th 1794 The French have taken more than 40 of our merchantmen…

Govermnent pretend or are really alarm’d at the conduct of the Constitutional and other Societies…Horne Tooke…

The Kingdom of Poland has risen as one man against Her Invaders and Plunders the Russian and Prussians…

May 18th A severe Engagement took place between the French and the Duke of York, in which the latter was defeated and very narrowly escap’d being taken…

May 22nd Another terrible Engagement between the French and Allies near Tomenay (?)…

The French have taken our Newfoundland Fleet with its Convoy the Castor frigate, besides 32 West Indiamen…

May 22nd The most severe Battle was fought thid Day that has been all the war, the allies were commanded by the Emperor…

The Princess Elisabeth sister to the late King of France was Guillotin’d with 23 others…

The French have captur’d a large fleet from Spain and Portugal, with two Dutch frigates richly laden with Dollars…

The Americans dissatisfied at our holding forts contrary to the treaty of Peace, with our taking their Ships and Cargoes…

The Danes and Swedes complaining of the conduct of England, in obstructing their Trade, by taking their Ships and Cargoes…

An Old Soldier died in Chelsea Hospital 123 years of age - He fought in the wars of Geo’g the 1st and 2nd and was discharg’d when 70 yrs. Old.

June 1794 Great pains have been and still are taking by the leading men in the several counties, to procure volunteer Yeomen, to serve as Cavalry to protect their Country against Invasion or Domestic Tumults, but hitherto without effect none having enter’d. Newspaper cutting : Stowmarket, June 12 1794 regarding same.

Subscriptions are likewise promoting in all the Counties, under directions from Government to the Ld. Lieutenants, for strengthing the internal defence of the Country and continuing a destructive war.

Essex has rais’d about 14.0.00£

Suffolk only 6 5 00

Norfolk (no figure given)

The above not answering ye expectations of the Aristocrats, they are sending the Constables to our houses

A Grand Engagement between the Fleets of England and France took place in the Channel. It began on the 28th May at a distance - some fighting on the 29th

Lord Howe has gain’d immortal honor by His late naval victory over France having showen the greatest, Courage, skill and Humanity…

English Victorys at Sea Over France. Details from Nov. 1759 and April 1782

The ville de Paris and all the ships but one or two taken by Ld. Rodney in the West Indies were lost in a violent storm coming Home and most of their Crews perished.

1st of June by Ld. Howe. Details given of Ships and number of guns.

June 1794 The French have taken Ypres. 140 pieces of Cannon and 7000 prisoners. Pickergru and Jourdain (late a haberdasher)…

Population in 1794 England and Wales 2-000-000, Ireland 4-000-000, Scotland 1,250-000

Russia is divided into 35 Governments contains 27 millions of Souls dispers’d over a surface of 74-686 square miles

France is calculated to contain 26 millions

June 1794 The French have conquer’d the Spanish army and destroy’d one half of it and taken from them 130 pieces of cannon, besides several Towns and a large district of Country…

Mr Pitt refus’d treating with the French republicans, because He could not depend on their faith, but choose a fatal bloody war - He confederated with Russia…

England has lost already upwards of 4000 men on the Continent the remainder with His Royal Higness are hiding up some where in Flanders, waiting an opportunity to escape the massacre that threatens them…Ld. Moira

The bad news from Flanders has stop’d the march of the allies to Paris…

June 30th 1794 The King, Queen and Princesses are amusing themselves in viewing the Fleet and French prizes at Portsmouth…

In Abercromby Churchyard "Here lies Niccolas Hooker Gent. The 41st child of his father by Alice his wife, and the father of 27.

July 8th 1794 The hottest day and night we have yet had - The drought continues not having had a ground shower since sowing Barly - Peas are universally destroy’d by lice - The Beans are much affected with them - our oats are hurt for want of Rain, as are ye. Late Barly s and those on light soils are perishing - The wheats promise well -

July 14th Oats are began cutting and all our corns are coming hastily forward for Harvest on acc’t. of the unusual Heat and dryness - from the 1st of this month to ye 17th the Ther. in ye shade and on the north side has stood from 72 to 84 Deg.

Mr Joshua Vanneck sold all his estates at Kenton (all freehold, with two Manors) at London in May 1794.

Kenton - Hall Farm, containing 242 acres, together with ye Manor and 258 Top Oaks - 121 Timber ashes - 62 Pollard Oaks - 249 Pollard Ashes - 359 small trees - in ye occupation of Messrs. Darbys sold for 5800£

Tho. Darbys’ Farm containing 144 acres and 185 trees sold for 2800£

Abel Ashford’s Do. Contain’g 103 acres and 216 Trees sold for 2080£

Mr Whitman’s Do containing 184 acres and 444 Trees sold for 3390£

Mr Welton’s do. Containin’g 91 acres and 140 trees sold for 1600£

Mr Fisher’s do. Suddon Hall - 234 acres Manor and 185 Trees sold for 4350£

Mr Pallant’s House blacks’hs shop orchard etc sold for 250£

The above Estates contain’d 1603 acres under Lease for 8 years at ye Rent of 828£’s sold remarkably low owing to the war and frases (?)

July 15th 1794 Stocks. Bank - 160. India - 197

3 pr Cent Con. 70 down to 65 on acc’t of Flanders being taken by the French.

Mark Lane:







Tick beans




Hops: Kent - 8 to 10£10s per cwt

Hay out of the meadow 50/ per Ton

Butter 9d per pint here

Bankrupts from Jan. 1 to July 1 540 Peas and Tares almost generally destroy’d by lice - 50/ to 3£ ask’d a comb for each - These vermin were spread over the whole Country and upon every thing

36 British ships of great value have been taken by the French in the Eastern seas and carried into the Mauritius - The Pigot and Pit East Indiamen are lately captured…

July 1794 The Prince of Wales has fallen in Love with Lady Jersey ( who is now a grandmother) and is formally separated from Mrs Fitzherbert, to whom He was solemnly married…

The Granada Packet taken this week by the French is worth 18 thous. Pounds exclusive of 5 Hogs heads of Gold and Silver…

Ypres - Orchies - Marchinnes - Mons…(+ others) have all been taken by the French…

The French have decreed to put all their English and Hanoverian Prisoners to death and have began putting it in execution…

July 1794 Port-au-Prince and St Domingo were taken by Sr. Ch. Grey and Sr. Jno. Jarvis with a great many Merchant ships richly laden.

27th July Guadaloupe retaken by the French, whose squadron is block’d…

The Lisbon Packet taken with a great quantity of money on board and several passengers. The French have likewise captur’d

The following apt lines apear’d on the present fashion of the Ladies exposing their Breasts and going almost naked, faces excepted "veil not that face but veil yr. Snowy breast. Beauty’s a sign to hang without ye Door till after marriage, then should see no more"

July 1794 Our Beaus now are all neckcloth and Breeches, with white Faces and lily hands - in the 14th Century in Ed. Ye’ 3rd’s time they wore such extreme long toes to their shoes that they held them up by gold and silver chaines to their knees and dress’d in stockings of different colours at the same time, as was likewise the Coat half black half white, with breeches only half down the thigh - long beards silk hoods button’d under their silly chins completed the Puppy of that season and was ye pink of the mode.

July 1794 The Island of Corsica after a long siege of Bastia was taken by a squadron under Lord Hood…

Heavy Contributions are laid by the French on Brussels, Louvain, Malines…

The French fought Mollendorf and ye. Prussians 19 hours in a very hot Day - kill’d 10-000 and took 27 pieces of Cannon the beginning of this month.

July 27th 1794 Maximilian Roperspierre the Elder who has been from the beginning of the revolution in France one of its principal leaders …

July 29th Many of the heads of the municipality of Paris, that were appointed by Robespiere and assisted in His Tyranical and bloody measures were likewise Guillotined…

The English Government to raise men (now grown scarse) have embodied Regiments

of Emigrant French and send down to the prisons offering liberty and money…

July 1794 Present State of our Navy now in Commission from (includes figures for 50-gun ships, frigates, sloops and cutters etc)

A terrible fire occasioned by ye boiling over of Pitch happen’d at Radcliffe in London. It consum’d 630 Houses the East India Warehouse and many more situated in that part of ye Town full of rich and valuable merchandise… (Margin note: 1400 of the Inhabitants in Tents in St George’s Fields…)

America. The value of goods and merchandize exported from the United States for one year ending October 1 1793 was as under…

The French have taken all Flanders and driven the Prince of Cobourg over the Meuse and the Duke of York into Holland…

July The French arms still prevail every where, having beaten the Spanyards and taken 200 pieces of Cannon besides an immense booty in Stores etc…

July Mount Vesuvius has again broke forth, with the most horrible Thunder and Lightning boiling over its red hot Lava…

Mildew’d Wheats have been very general in this Season, but those Farmers that have had patience to let them stand to receive the Rain that fell the latter end of July and beginning of Aug’st have found the greatest advantage by it, as They are highly improv’d both in quantity and quality

July The Great Hope of Amsterdam his wife and Family are got over to London - He’s supposed worth more than a million, 9 parts of wh. are said to be secur’d here.

This is said to be a "War of Kings and Nobles, Temporal and Spiritual against the Equal rights of Man Civil and Religious."

Dr Jones a Clergyman in this County and training for a Bishopric has propos’d in the Ipswich paper to his brother-Clergy, to have a meeting at Stowmarket for the purpose of being embodies and learning Their ex..rvice as Military Men to defend themselves against the people whom He hints will most likely fall on the Priesthood in case of Commotion - whither the Doctor’s fears arise from conciencious - deserving H best can tell. Margin note: He supposes 10-000 clergymen will immediately enter to fight the battles of(?) vain Man to ye neglect of Those of God..

The Churches in Brabant…

The French have 850-000 effective men now in arms.

In Holland under the Duke of York to defend the Dutch…

Swarms of men women and children of the principal Inhabitants are leaving Holland for this Country…

In Geneva another revolution has taken place…

600 Soldiers including 105 women and 69 children have been cope’d up on board Transports ready to send abroad, more than a month to their infinite distress …

July 1794 America is in a great ferment - complaining of the Conduct of Ld. Dorchester for setting the Indians upon them and of our Governor Simcoe…

1794 Lord Macartney was sent out as Ambassador to the Emperor of China with a vast and expensive Retinue…

Pekin is perhaps the largest City in ye World. The Streets are straight…(1 page)

July A great number of families of worth and respectability are continually leaving England for America - Manchester - Birmingham and the Midland Counties are sending forth their mechanics, Manufactorers, Artizans and wealthy Inhabitants, by wholesale - foreseeing the distraction and danger likely to ensue to this Country from the consequences of this horrid unjust war; and the infringements on Liberty, They seek an Asylum, abroad, to the immense detriment of Old England.

1794 The Empire of Morocco is in a most distracted state, ye Sons of the late Emperor are contending for the Soverignty with the most Savage barbarity…

Wednesday July 13th 179(?) Newspaper cutting Execution of Henry Weston and John Roberts for forgery at Old Bailey

August 20th 1794 An immense mob rose in London to revenge themselves on the Crimps and Kidnappers for the Army, in consequence of the Death of a young Gentleman, who threw Himself out of a lofty window and was dash’d to pieces, in getting out of their Clutches - This was ye most alarming mob since 1780 - They proceeded to pulling down 5 or 6 crimping Houses - The Riot Act was read and the Horse Soldiers call’d to quell them - They collected together 2 or 3 days running and were dispers’d by the same means.

The London new Militia Act for increasing the number is very ill receiv’d by the populace - 10-000 collected about Guildhall and prevented the Lord Mayor and Aldermen transacting their business - He got rid of them by good words and fair promises amidst applauses groans hooting and kissing and crying out no war - no soldiers Liberty and no Crimps.

Porter Brew’d In London. Figures given for 1793 and 1794 (includes Whitbread, Thrale, Gifford, Meux Calvert etc.

The above at 5/ pr Barrel amounts to an immense Sum - Whitbread’s profit at the above calculation is 46-000 pr Annum

Aug. 1794 The Allies are entirely driven from France and the Austrian and Dutch Netherlands.

Aug 1794 A fine timber oak was carried past here for Woodbridge drawn by 12 horses - It grew at Framsden on Mr Sparrowe’s Estate and measur’d 64 feet in length contain’d 7 Lds & ¼ of Timber and 13 do of faggot wood and 4 do of Bark - The whole worth about 54 or 55 £s

Roberspirre. The Governor and principal of the Convention was denounc’d as a bloody Tyrant… (also margin note)

Valencennes Conde and Tuesnoy (?) surrender’d to the French without firing a Gun…

The Emperor of Germany is subsidis’d by England… (1 page)

Sep 1794 The British Army now in Holland under the Duke of York amounts to 7000 horse and about 22-000 foor and 10-000 Hanov’r Margin note: The whole consume 367 oxen daily.

The Telegraphe a new invented Scheme by ye French to give speedy intelligence… It is a kind of Lanthorn, set upon lofty eminencies, at from 12 to 15 miles distance…

Letter dated Dec. 3rd 1793 from Thomas…in Edinburgh

Ambassadors from America, Poland and Geneva arriv’d at the French Convention, united their national flags with France…

Thirty-nine East Indiamen are safe arriv’d with Cargoes to the value of 8-000-000 Ster’g

London consumes Annually 110 thousand bullocks and 730-000 Sheep

300 Conspirators compos’d of Generals Statesmen and Citizens are taken up at Vienna for plotting ag’st the State…

Messrs Watt and Downie Two capital tradesmen were tri’d at Edinburgh for Treason - convicted and condemn’d "to be hang’d. Their bowels cut out and thrown in their Faces, and their quarters to be separated for the King". These are Christian Judges.

The present state of Population…France..Germany etc…

The whole known habitable world is suppos’d to contain 595 millions and that a Generation lasts only 30 years and of course the above millions of Souls die…

The French attack’d the Austrians under Clairfait on the 16 17 and 18 of Sept’br…

The Duke of York has ran away into Germany…

The French are making hasty strides into Holland…

The French Army on the Frontiers of Holland amounts to 170-000 men…

Poland has made a noble effort for regaining Her Liberty having oblig’d the Tyrant of Prossia to raist the siege of Warsaw…

Prices of Provisions in Poland at the commencement of the war…

Rent of cultivated Land 2/ to 3/ pr acre money on mortgage 5 pr Cent. The war has increased the above about one third.

Nov 1794 Alas Poor Poland. Her famous General Thosensko (?) wounded and taken prisoner…

Oct. 1794 The fatal Yellow Fever has been very general in the Westindia Islands, have destroy’d the white Inhabitants by wholesale but has in no instance affected the Negroes…

In Charles ye 2d Time there was only one Tea Dealer in England and now 40-000

The French Army now in Holland amounts to 190-000. They drive all before Them…

Our Ministers and the American Ambassador Mr Jay have compromis’d all differences between the two nations - England making restitution for the ships and Cargoes unlawfully taken from The States and restoring the…

Nov 1794 The Spanyards beaten by the French in two Battles …

In Holland. Slays 4000 men and 400 brass cannon taken, likewise Bommel-(?)Nieuone - gen and all the Towns…

Nov 1794 State Tryals Several Gentlemen were apprehended (after the suspension of the Habeous Corpus Act) and lodg’d some in the Tower, others in Newgate under a charge of high Treason and a pretence of their compasing the Death of ye King and over turning the Constitution - The principals of These were Mr Horne Took - Ths. Hardy - Mr Joyce - Holcroft - Bonny Thelwall and about Twenty more, who after six months cruel imprisonment were brought to Trial at the Old Baily, under a special commission and Jury - The judge President was Baron Eyre and 5 other Judges - The prisoners belong’d to the Constitutional or the corresponding Societies wh. Ministers wanted to annihilate fearing they should inform the People of their just rights and Liberties….(description of the trials given)

Expences of the late State Tryals per day…cost given as 60-000£s (two pages of details given)

In the pay of Gt Britain

Seamen, Germans, Prussians etc…

House of Commons. Out of 513 Members 306 are chosen by 162 Individuals…

The Dutch and English soldiers and common people in Holland hate each other and are perpetually quarrelling and fighting…

Mr Berrington of Wootton in Herefordshire bred an ox, that weight in his sledge one ton and 1407 lbs is l9 hands high and in girth ll feet 6 inches - measures in length to the drop of His Tail 9 feet 6 inches and is said to be the largest ox ever seen in England He is sold for 100 gs and is now on his way to London

Wed. 24th Dec. Wind NE blows hard, freezes sharply and is one of the coldest days I ever felt.

25th Snow ancle deep - much less cold - 27th. Snow waisting away and weather mold

Dec 31st 1794 Mark Lane

Wheat from

50-62 pr qtr





Tick Beans


Stocks - 3 pr Cent Con. 64 1/8

Hops - Kent 5-5-0 pr Cwt

In the Campaign of 1794 it apeqars the French took from ye. Allies 144 Cities or Towns…

Dec 30th 1794 This Session of Parliament was open’d by a speech from the Throne, 9in which His Majesty confesses the losses and disastours of the last Campaign, and that Holland has left the Confederated Kings and is negotiating a Peace with France;…

Loan for 1795. 24 Millions, was Subscrib’d for by Messrs. Boyd & Co and the other bankers…

Dec 17 and 20th The Spanyards terribly beaten by the French in Two pitch’d battles …

The English Navy consumes weekly 749 thousand gall’s of Beer…

The French in less than two years have taken from the Allies 1024 Ships of wh. were English - 982

The English in the same time have taken from the French 345

Dec 1794 Mark Lane

Wheat (very short crop)

56-63 pr qtr







Clover seed as high as 90/ pr cwt

Butter here lld a pint Cheese 5 1/2d pr lb

Flet 2 ½

Wheat Meal 2/1 pr stone

Our Horses in Holland are reduc’d to 7lbs of Hay and three of Oats each for 24 hours.

London Bill of Mortality







Whereof died under 2 years







A Black gelding poney of the Shetland breed died at Hoo Hall aged 36 years - Mr Fuller had Him 27 years and He was nine when purchas’d - He was remarkably handsome, an excellent goer and us’d as a constant slave.

Dec 31st 1794 In consequence of the severe frost the French have pass’d the River Waal in Holland…