The Lighter Side
A variety of games were played. Football, running, cricket, netball, hopscotch, rounders, marbles, stool ball, ring-a-ring-a-roses and the farmer's in his den.
Stool Ball according to one interviewee was a game played with a "post with a white square on one side … cannot remember what ball was like … tennis ball … if they hit square - out, caught - out, run - out. Cannot remember how many on each side..."
The group could recall playing games against other schools. Netball matches against Debenham and Football matches against Framlingham.
Physical Education teachers regularly visited the school and would examine the children in P.E. and dancing.
There is little mention in the record books of singing or dancing though it is said that folk songs were sung at Open Day 1924 and singing and dancing at the Annual Parents' Day. The harmonium and piano were tuned at regular intervals.
The playing field was conveyed from Rev. J. H. Groome to the Archdeacon of Suffolk in December 1928 "for the purpose of a playground for the recreation of the children and youths attending the Elementary School known as Earl Soham Council School". Prior to this Sports Day was held in the Rectory Orchard and one pupil recalled that the 150 yds race commenced at the top of the hill beyond the church to the school gate and the 100 yds race was from the bottom of the hill near the church to the school gate. (This road is now the A1120). Prizes of 3d, 2d and 1d were awarded and the afternoon finished with a hot cross bun and a mug of lemonade. "We thought we were well off". The entry for Sports Day 1929 records that "Victory House" won the Silver Cup presented by Major Mann of The Lodge.
The Annual School Outing was a trip to Felixstowe by bus. At a time when most of the children rarely left the village and a trip to Ashfield was considered as going abroad this was quite an adventure! Parents or friends accompanied the children. Money was collected during the year. One former pupilbelieved the cost of the outing was 1/8d for the bus fare - anything left over being regarded as pocket money. Paddling and playing games were followed by tea at Cordys Restaurant.
Some other recorded outings: Sunday School Treat, 1936 Suffolk Show and 1924 British Empire Exhibition at Wembley.