Health, Well Being 's Diarieshisto
Emotional Support for NHS Staff
The Church of England is offering phone support for NHS staff who would like to speak to someone outside the service. This is open to people of any or no religion.
Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has set up a 24/7 helpline offering immediate support for mental health difficulties during the coronavirus pandemic. Staffed by mental health professionals from the Trust, it will provide reassurance, self-help advice, support and signposting. ‘First Response’ is available on 0808 196 3494. Follow this link to see more details in a new tab.
Medical Supplies:
Framlingham Surgery Update. Our latest messages to patients is on our website ( to include a whole range of advice to worried parents. The Practice will be open for dispensary and telephone calls right over the Easter period 8.30-6.30 Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday and we are gearing up to work over the next May bank holiday also. 111 will be able to book directly into home visiting slots but these will be triaged by Suffolk Federation who will be providing the visiting service from yesterday in relation to COVID-19 related illness. The message to patients is that it is VITAL to use 111 online as there is a huge pressure on 111 telephones.
Framlingham GP Surgery Dispensary: Will home deliver medication from Earl Soham and Framlingham GP Surgery to Earl Soham residents unable to collect from the surgeries due to self and households isolating. Contact via Leaders to Maree Marshall who will coordinate.
For non-emergency health issues, please call 111. In an emergency, call 999
Prescription Requests. We have been advised by Framlingham and Earl Soham GP Surgeries that all patients must now arrange collection of their prescriptions from the dispensary, other than those who are “extremely clinically vulnerable”, received an official letter from the NHS advising them to shield and who remain in shielding upon the advice of their clinicians. This will be reviewed in the case of localised lockdowns / second wave and the surgeries will send updates accordingly.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service
I run Castle Cleaners in Framlingham and we have been advised we are allowed to trade as we provide a service to many in the community who rely on us. We are currently supporting a number of our most vulnerable residents in Framlingham and surrounding villages but can help
anyone who needs to use our services now we are at home. The shop has large capacity machines that can clean at high temperatures should anyone wish to clean sheets Duvets, blankets, bedding, pillows, bedspreads, sofa covers and other household items. We can deliver and collect. Please share to anyone you feel may need the help. Stay safe and well. Jo
Health and Fitness:
Dog Walking: If any residents would like to spend some time with a canine companion, we have had offers of a dog-pal. We are looking into this in more detail and will be in touch with residents.
Allotments: If any residents need help maintaining their allotments over the next few weeks, this is a great opportunity for our younger village residents to fill their homeschooling timetable! Please speak to your Zone Leader and we can find a resident or family to support you with your allotment.
Library Books
We are investigating the possibility of setting up a walking mobile library; however, we need to consider and avoid the possibility of the virus being transmitted on books.
A safer solution to those of you who have access to the internet (probably everyone who is reading this) is to download ebooks from the county library.
This page explains what is available on the eLibrary and has a link to the application form. It is noting that one can also apply for cards for adjoining counties which will increase the range of books one can borrow.
You can find out more and a link to the on-line application page to register for access to the eLibrary service here.
If you don't have a library card, you can apply for one on line here and the library service will email you a membership number,
Book Sharing Precautions
Many of you may wish to share books with friends or neighbours to help pass the time whilst stuck at home. However you should be aware that the virus can survive on paper for up to 24 hrs and for several days on plastic covered books. If you do borrow books, it is recommended that all books are put to one side and not handled for at least 24 hours after receipt to allow time for any virus to die off. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after receiving the books and putting them aside.
Any books with plastic covering should be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe or soapy water before being set aside for 24 hours to allow any virus on the pages to die off; do not forget to wipe down any plastic flaps inside the cover.
Spiritual and Emotional Support:
St Mary’s Church: The church is no longer open, visit the St Mary's Church page for more information.
Residents struggling with anxiety or worry can speak to a local support network by calling The Worry Tree on 01728 400 533.
For those who who like to watch something different to normal TV, there is a wide variety of entertainment being broadcast FREE over the internet.
The National Theatre is streaming a new free play from its archive of live recordings, every Thursday night.
Each show will be available for a week, click here for details.
Notice Date: 16/03/2020